
Hi there, my name is Crystal. Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to talk with me. I’m doing research for a local family restaurant who would like to create a website for their business. The purpose of this interview is to learn more about the motivations, likes and dislikes, and pain points of users who eat out, or buy takeout/delivery from Japanese businesses, so that we can create a responsive and successful website. Your participation in this interview will lead to an improved experience using restaurant websites!

Recording and Data Privacy

To begin with, I’d like to ask for your permission to record this interview. This is to ensure that data is collected accurately and it will only be used internally. All interviewees will remain anonymous.

Intro Questions


  1. How do you decide where to eat at for the first time?
    1. What attracts you to restaurants?
  2. Tell me about the last time you used a restaurant’s website or application. What was the driving force behind this?
    1. Can you tell me about what features you looked for/liked?
    2. How about things that frustrated you?
  3. Do you follow restaurants on social media? If so, which platforms and why?
  4. How important is it for a restaurant to offer take out?
    1. How about delivery?
    2. How often do you order delivery? In what scenarios do you prefer delivery?
  5. What methods of payment do you typically use to pay for your meals?
    1. Do these differ based on if the meal is eat-in, delivery or take out?
  6. Could you describe to me a time when you were reluctant/not go to a certain restaurant when deciding where to eat? What were the reasons?
  7. Tell me about a time when you made a reservation for a restaurant.
    1. What platform did you use? (Phone, LINE, website, etc.)
    2. How did it make you feel?
  8. What is the easiest way for you to order deliver/take out from a restaurant?
    1. E.g.: Going in person, calling the store in advance, using a delivery app, ordering from the website directly